Three Double-crested Cormorants fly across a sky at sunset.
Three Double-crested Cormorants fly across a sky at sunset.

Double-crested Cormorants fly over Audubon's Gillmor Sanctuary. Photo: Evan Barrientos/Audubon Rockies
Double-crested Cormorants fly over Audubon's Gillmor Sanctuary. Photo: Evan Barrientos/Audubon Rockies


Happy New Year

A note of reflection and optimism from our executive director.

Happy New Year! I write these three words with much joy and gusto. 

I know we’re all ready to put 2020 in our collective review mirrors. When thinking about looking back at 2020 I thought of the following quote: “It is ok to glance back, just don’t stare.” Personally, I am not sure I even want to glance back on 2020. However, I would be making a mistake if I did not, as there are always lessons to be learned, a kernel of hope to take forward, things we don’t want to forget. 

I think 2020 has shown me that we are strong, we are adaptable, and together we can face seemingly impossible odds and prevail. It took all of our voices to stop oil and gas lease sales in critical sage-grouse habitat, to come together to protect our most basic environmental pillars: clean air and water. Sometimes it felt like we were hanging on by our fingernails, and many times we were. 

Looking ahead, there are at least glimmers of light. The environmental rollbacks that happened not only in 2020 but over the past four years will take time to repair and restore, but after glancing back we at Audubon Rockies are emboldened to face the path in front of us. 

The year 2021 will be a year of progress, of hope, and the beginning of restoring our land—and our souls. I hope it will become a year where unity prevails. I know that by entering a new year we are not suddenly going to be in a perfect world, but if 2020 taught us one thing, it is that together we are stronger. This year Audubon Rockies will be working harder than ever to bridge divides, reach out, foster unity, and strive for equity and inclusion, because together we can make a difference. 

Thank you for being part of Audubon Rockies. Thank you for all you do to conserve our natural world. We look forward to a fresh, bright start. Cheers to 2021! Onward! 

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