Chris Helzer.

Chris Helzer

Director of Science, The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska

Chris Helzer is the Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska. His main role is to evaluate and capture lessons from the Conservancy’s land management and restoration work and then share those lessons with other landowners – both private and public. In addition, Chris works to raise awareness about the importance of prairies and their conservation through his writing, photography, and presentations to various groups. Chris is also the author of "The Ecology and Management of Prairies in the Central United States", published by the University of Iowa Press. He lives in Aurora, Nebraska with his wife Kim and their children. You can follow his blog at

Articles by Chris Helzer

What Does Habitat Look Like on a Ranch?
Conservation Ranching Initiative

What Does Habitat Look Like on a Ranch?

— Ranches are home to much more than cows, especially when managed for habitat diversity.