
2024 Year-end Video

See what you helped us accomplish for birds in 2024.

We are connected to lands and waters beyond our home state—just like the birds that live and migrate here. The actions we take here in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah affect birds that travel across the Western Hemisphere. Similarly, the work that people do in other states and countries affects these birds too. We are not alone.

Across the hemisphere, Audubon staff, supporters, and partners are working to make a difference for birds. With Audubon’s new Flight Plan, we’re connecting the dots between them. With a hemispheric mindset, we can increase the effectiveness of our work.

Our 2024 year-end video highlights some of the ways we began to enact that vision last year. In it, you’ll learn about the accomplishments of our new Snowy Plover Monitoring Program at Great Salt Lake, the start of our new stream restoration project on a ranch in western Colorado, our role in helping pass a Colorado law to protect streams and wetlands, and our tireless advocacy for Greater Sage-Grouse.

You’ll also hear about some new and ongoing ways we engaged people in conservation, like the Wind River BioBlitz. As you watch, we hope you’ll find inspiration in the accomplishments we’ve made together, and motivation to get involved in this year. Please help us continue to inspire a love of birds and restore their habitat in 2025 by getting involved in our programs or making a donation. Thank you for all you did to help birds in 2024.

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