Community Naturalist

Rockies Educator Wins National Award!

Rockies own Jacelyn Downey received National Audubon's highest education award, the Tamar Chotzen Award in 2015.
Community Naturalist

Rockies Educator Wins National Award!

Rockies own Jacelyn Downey received National Audubon's highest education award, the Tamar Chotzen Award in 2015.

Audubon Rockies, a regional office of The National Audubon Society (Colorado and Wyoming), is excited to announce one of its own has received a coveted national education award.  Over the weekend, Jacelyn Downey traveled to Virginia to the National Audubon Society’s annual convention where she was honored with the Tamar Chotzen Audubon Educator of the Year Award.  This award is given to one National Audubon Society educator each year whose primary responsibility is connecting people to nature through on-the-ground education. 

Downey was recognized for her development of a new concept of conservation education, based on the model of a “classroom without walls” and “place-based learning.” Audubon Rockies’ unique Community Naturalist Program has educators developing education resources and traveling to classrooms and communities, providing in-class and field experiences that focus on local wildlife and habitats.

“Here in the Rockies we are fortunate to be surrounded by amazing landscapes and unique wildlife.  Why should our kids learn about the rainforest when they could be learning about our own riparian areas and sagebrush ecosystem?  It means more when you can go outside and experience it for yourself,” notes Jacelyn Downey.

The program has made a difference throughout Wyoming and Colorado, where more than 12,000 school children and adults have been inspired through hands-on education activities.  In addition, Downey has developed and instituted a unique Teacher Training Program that provides credit for Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB), college credit and Continuing Education Unit’s that enable teachers to grow professionally.  Along the way she has built positive and lasting relationships with not only teachers, but principals, community groups, other NGOs, state and federal agencies and most of all, Audubon’s valued chapter members. 

Alison Holloran, Executive Director and Downey’s manager for 10 years comments, “We are so fortunate to have Jacelyn Downey on our staff!  The program offered by Jacelyn and our outstanding education team provide unmatched tools and experiences that make us all better prepared to be champions of the outdoors.”

This comes after a series of local and national awards:

  • Outstanding Service to Environmental Education by an Organization at the Local Level, awarded by the North American Association for Environmental Education
  • Environmental Educator of the Year by Project Learning Tree
  • Education Heroes by Wyoming State Parks 

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