This is a stunning example showing how gardens can create a landscapes that are beautiful while providing benefits for wildlife, and sanctuary for humans too! Boley’s botanical zoo is where all wild friends from inch long swallow tail caterpillars, to flying blue-eyed darner dragonfly’s, nesting house wrens and Cooper’s hawks to even the occasional red fox drinking from a bird bath call home! Her background as a graphic designer with degrees in both botany and zoology, coupled with her enthusiasm to learn more and to get some physical exercise are her driving forces in creating a truly outstanding residential Habitat Hero garden!

You never know what wild friends you might share your space with, like this newly born mule deer calf or a bathing Cooper’s hawk!
One of the ways the Habitat Hero program engages our community members and landowners is through recognition of awards. Boley received the 2015 Habitat Hero award for her outstanding residential landscape. This wildscape was something to be desired and was chosen to be featured on the cover of High Country Gardens catalog and on their online blog!
To read the full Habitat Hero success story, visit High Country Gardens – this wonderful article is complete with before and after photos, trials and tribulations, tips of the trade and sound gardening advice.
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