I would like to introduce Mikl Brawner, owner of Harlequin's Gardens located just north of Boulder, Colorado. He speaks to us and brings his knowledge on neionicotinoids, as they are a hot topic right now. Our audience is hungry to learn more about this chemical and learn the tough questions to ask nurseries and garden centers to ensure that the plants they plant in their backyard do not harm wildlife, and ensure we are truly creating bird-friendly communities!
By Mikl Brawner
All photo credits are given to Harlequin's Gardens
Pesticides were never a good idea. They were designed to make money from petroleum, not to benefit the public good. Pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are poisons that were developed to kill life. Not only has this approach poisoned our earth and ourselves, it has failed to control Nature. Our soils are less productive, and weeds and pests have adapted by becoming resistant. Stronger poisons are not the answer.
In the last 20 years, the new “nicotine” pesticides (neonicotinoids) have become the industry standards because they are less toxic to people and animals than the old organophophate pesticides, and that is good. But the neonicotinoids (neonics) are even more toxic to insects; they last 3 months to 5 years; all parts of the plants are poison, and the poison goes into our water.
So now it has become difficult to buy landscaping plants that do not contain neonics. From the root hairs to the pollen, this systemic poison kills or undermines the health of honeybees, wild bees, butterflies, beneficial insects, ladybugs, earthworms, soil insects and some birds. We are heading into a dead end.
Insects are not enemies of plants; they have co-evolved together. They coexist where there is balance and where nutritious soils grow strong and healthy plants. This is not romantic thinking; it is the basis of the organic way that has proven effective all over the world.
At our nursery, Harlequin’s Gardens, we have been growing plants to sell for 23 years without using toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Like most sustainable or renewable energy systems, the costs are higher in the beginning and lower as time goes on. We pay extra for nutritious soil ingredients, but we spend little time and money on pest management.
This year the plants we buy from other growers will be 100% neonic-free. We have hired a custom propagator to grow pesticide-free plants for us. And we just purchased the one acre property next to us to build an energy-efficient commercial greenhouse go grow even more pesticide-free plants. We don’t need any more proof that neonics are killing our bees and undermining the vitality of our environment.
This year we will also be carrying beekeeping supplies to support honeybees and beekeepers. We will be teaching classes on beekeeping and organic gardening, and we will be carrying soil-building supplies and non-toxic pest management supplies.
Science and history will prove that supporting Life is a more sustainable, economical and successful method than poisoning life. This is the 21st Century direction that will replace petroleum-thinking.
“We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.” Francis Bacon

By Jamie Weiss
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