Flock of Sandhill Cranes in flight.
Flock of Sandhill Cranes in flight.

Birding Festivals of the Rockies

Meet other birders and improve your skills.
Sandhill Cranes. Photo: Bill Bahmer/Audubon Photography Awards
Sandhill Cranes. Photo: Bill Bahmer/Audubon Photography Awards

Birding Festivals of the Rockies

Meet other birders and improve your skills.
Birding festivals are a great way to improve your birding skills, meet other birders, and explore new places to bird. For your convencience, we've compiled a list of the major birding festivals in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Have one to add? Send us an email.
Festival Name Month State City
High Plains Snow Goose Festival February Colorado Lamar
Monte Vista Crane Festival March Colorado Monte Vista
Mountain Plover Festival March Colorado Karval
Red Cliffs Bird Fest April Utah Greater Zion
Ute Mountain Mesa Verde Birding Festival May Colorado Cortez
Pikes Peak Birding & Nature Festival May Colorado Pikes Peak Region
Jackson Hole Birding Festival May Wyoming Jackson
Western Field Ornithologists & Colorado Field Ornithologists Joint Convention July Colorado Summit County
Great Salt Lake Bird Festival May Utah Farmington
Fall Birding Festival at Barr Lake State Park September Colorado Brington
Yampa Valley Crane Festival September Colorado Steamboat Springs and Hayden


Audubon Guide to North American Birds

Audubon Guide to North American Birds

A free online guide to the birds of North America.

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How to Identify Birds

How to Identify Birds

Before you judge a bird by its color, use these eight clues to guide you.

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How To Begin Birding

How To Begin Birding

Like birds, but don’t know how to make the leap to becoming a birder? Here are three easy steps to get you into the field.

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