Amid these difficult times, we hope that you and your family are safe and healthy. This unprecedented situation has forced us all to adapt. Here at Audubon Rockies, our offices are closed and in-person programs through April are cancelled until further notice. However, our staff continue to work remotely as we create ways to serve birds and you.
We often say, “You are what hope looks like to a bird,” but in times like these, we’re reminded that birds are also what hope looks like to us. While the world may seem frozen and frightening, a quick step outside reveals singing robins, drumming woodpeckers, and new arrivals from the south.
Our goal is to help you get through this time and keep conservation moving forward. We’ve compiled educational resources for kids and parents, ways to order meat from Audubon-certified ranches, and a window into nature while our access is limited. Going forward, we’ll be providing online opportunities to connect with other nature lovers, learn about birds, and take action to help them.
Thank you for being a part of the Audubon family. Now more than ever, we greatly appreciate your past, current, and continued support, and we look forward to helping you through this.