Press Room

Press releases about updates, threats, and wins related to Audubon's conservation work in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. For media inquiries, please contact

For stories and explainers on birds and conservation, please visit our blog.

U.S. Senate Introduces New Program to Assess and Monitor Saltwater Lake Ecosystems in the West
Saline Lakes Program

U.S. Senate Introduces New Program to Assess and Monitor Saltwater Lake Ecosystems in the West

To better protect people and birds, Audubon science makes the case for the U.S. government’s first coordinated regional assessment of Great Basin saline lakes.

Court Strikes Down Trump Administration’s Sage-grouse Directive, Canceling Hundreds of Oil and Gas Leases
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Court Strikes Down Trump Administration’s Sage-grouse Directive, Canceling Hundreds of Oil and Gas Leases

Administration violated federal law by leasing sensitive sage-grouse habitat for drilling

Conservation Groups Sound Alarm on Administration’s Continued Assault on Western Values
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Conservation Groups Sound Alarm on Administration’s Continued Assault on Western Values

"The administration is rushing through yet another effort to reduce protections for our shared public lands, and it’s the sage-grouse’s turn, again."

Audubon: New Sage-Grouse Review Plan is “Nothing More Than Window-Dressing”
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Audubon: New Sage-Grouse Review Plan is “Nothing More Than Window-Dressing”

BLM’s commitment to removing Greater Sage-Grouse protections undermines any claims of meaningfully addressing important court order.

Audubon: Congress Must Pass New Bird Protection Bill

Audubon: Congress Must Pass New Bird Protection Bill

Bird Emergency Requires Urgent Action

Conservation Groups Intervene to Defend Sage-Grouse Rules Opposed by Trump Administration
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Conservation Groups Intervene to Defend Sage-Grouse Rules Opposed by Trump Administration

The National Audubon Society, The Wilderness Society and Democracy Forward Submit New Legal Filing to Defend Crucial Cons

New Legislation Is a Welcome Start to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Public Lands
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

New Legislation Is a Welcome Start to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Public Lands

The bill represents the first effort by Congress to strive for carbon neutrality on public lands.

Audubon Applauds Advance of Wildlife Recovery Bill by House Committee

Audubon Applauds Advance of Wildlife Recovery Bill by House Committee

Bipartisan legislation will benefit birds, other wildlife, and communities

Blue Nest Beef Launches Grass-Fed, Audubon-Certified Subscription Service
Conservation Ranching Initiative

Blue Nest Beef Launches Grass-Fed, Audubon-Certified Subscription Service

Certified by Audubon’s Conservation Ranching Initiative, company helps fix a broken food system with cattle as their tool and birds as their guide.

Proposed Delisting of Interior Least Tern Shows Value of Endangered Species Act
Western Rivers Initiative

Proposed Delisting of Interior Least Tern Shows Value of Endangered Species Act

With a 99 percent success rate of protecting birds and other wildlife from extinction, the ESA has proven to be one of the most effective conservation policies in the world.

Learn about birds and get involved.