
Can the Greater Sage-Grouse Be Kept Off the Endangered Species List?

Can the Greater Sage-Grouse Be Kept Off the Endangered Species List?

— Warming and habitat loss diminished sage grouse populations 80 percent since 1965, putting them on the brink of an endangered listing. Western states, the federal government and energy and ranching interests are struggling to prevent that.
Westerners Agree: Save the Greater Sage-Grouse

Westerners Agree: Save the Greater Sage-Grouse

— Public comment period closes on proposed grouse country conservation plans
Enhancing Protections for the Greater Sage-Grouse: A Pivotal Moment for Conservation

Enhancing Protections for the Greater Sage-Grouse: A Pivotal Moment for Conservation

— Sage-grouse biologist Tom Christiansen's op-ed in the Casper Star Tribune.
Audubon Denounces Congressional Action to Undo BLM Rule Elevating Conservation on Public Lands 

Audubon Denounces Congressional Action to Undo BLM Rule Elevating Conservation on Public Lands 

— “This legislation is an end-run around how westerners themselves would like to see these lands managed.” 
Audubon: New Rule for Fossil Fuel Development on Federal Lands Long Overdue

Audubon: New Rule for Fossil Fuel Development on Federal Lands Long Overdue

— BLM public lands update puts critical wildlife habitat, cultural resources, and recreation on a level footing with oil and gas development
Choosing a Plan to Save the Greater Sage-Grouse

Choosing a Plan to Save the Greater Sage-Grouse

— Tell the Bureau of Land Management to preserve Greater Sage-Grouse habitat
Stream Restoration Touches the Ground Through People

Stream Restoration Touches the Ground Through People

— Translating Colorado’s new stream restoration law for birds and people.
Proposed Rule Change Would Bring BLM Oil and Gas Leasing into the Modern Era

Proposed Rule Change Would Bring BLM Oil and Gas Leasing into the Modern Era

— Change would prioritize habitat, sacred lands and other considerations when granting oil and gas leases.
Audubon Supports New Public Lands Rule

Audubon Supports New Public Lands Rule

— The draft rule from the Bureau of Land Management will balance development with conservation.
Stream Restoration Legislation Will Benefit Birds and People in Colorado

Stream Restoration Legislation Will Benefit Birds and People in Colorado

— New law is a win and a good first step to clarifying stream restoration activities.