Abby Burk

Abby Burk

Senior Manager, Western Rivers Program

Abby Burk brings a lifetime of love for rivers, particularly the Colorado River and its tributaries. She promotes cultural change in water stewardship, river conservation, and policy through meaningful exchanges with local, state and federal officials, conservation organizations, and on-the-ground projects. She is committed to advancing riparian habitat and stream resiliency through advocacy and action. She is passionate about (re)connecting people to their rivers. Abby is an expert in ecological management and is an award-winning educator and river corridor diplomat, and holds a B.S. in biology and an interdisciplinary master’s degree, with ecology and hydrology concentrations. As an avid whitewater kayaker Abby enjoys time on western rivers as often as possible.

Articles by Abby Burk

Flowing Forward: Reviving Streams Through Partnerships
Western Water Initiative

Flowing Forward: Reviving Streams Through Partnerships

— The launch of a stream restoration project on a Colorado Ranch.
Colorado Stream Restoration Workshop
Western Rivers Initiative

Colorado Stream Restoration Workshop

— Learn about process-based stream restoration planning, including where and how to prioritize the best opportunities in your watershed.
A Colorado Program the Colorado Way
Western Rivers Initiative

A Colorado Program the Colorado Way

— The Centennial State is leading the nation in wetland and stream protections.
A confluence of streams, policy and people
Western Rivers Initiative

A confluence of streams, policy and people

— An op-ed by Abby Burk in the The Daily Sentinel.
Resilience and Stewardship for Colorado’s Waterways, 2024 Legislative Priorities
Western Rivers Initiative

Resilience and Stewardship for Colorado’s Waterways, 2024 Legislative Priorities

— Audubon supports proactive water strategies to benefit birds and people.
Stream Restoration Legislation Will Benefit Birds and People in Colorado
Western Water Initiative

Stream Restoration Legislation Will Benefit Birds and People in Colorado

— New law is a win and a good first step to clarifying stream restoration activities.
Important Things Ahead for Colorado Water Policy in 2023
Western Water Initiative

Important Things Ahead for Colorado Water Policy in 2023

— Audubon supports proactive water resilience strategies for 2023 Colorado legislation.
Nuevo Plan Para Agua: Trazando el Futuro Resiliente al Agua de Colorado para Aves y Personas
Western Rivers Initiative

Nuevo Plan Para Agua: Trazando el Futuro Resiliente al Agua de Colorado para Aves y Personas

— Explicación de la actualización del Plan Para Agua de Colorado y próximo compromiso de Audubon.
New Water Plan: Charting Colorado's Water-resilient Future for Birds and People
Western Rivers Initiative

New Water Plan: Charting Colorado's Water-resilient Future for Birds and People

— Colorado Water Plan Update Explainer and Coming Audubon Engagement