
The Great Salt Lake Is Too Big—and Too Important—to Fail

The Great Salt Lake Is Too Big—and Too Important—to Fail

— Utah’s leaders and advocates are mobilizing to save the largest saline lake ecosystem in the Western Hemisphere, a haven for people and migrating birds. Time and water are running out.
Audubon and The Nature Conservancy to Lead Great Salt Lake Water Trust

Audubon and The Nature Conservancy to Lead Great Salt Lake Water Trust

— “The selection ensures expert management of an unprecedented $40 million program to protect the drying lake.”
Highlights from the 2022 Colorado Legislative Session

Highlights from the 2022 Colorado Legislative Session

— Learn about new laws that will help pollinators, rivers, watersheds, and wildlife.
Infrastructure Funding Could Bring Hope to North America’s Largest Ecosystem

Infrastructure Funding Could Bring Hope to North America’s Largest Ecosystem

— An update on efforts to build a better future for the Greater Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush Country.
Audubon Testifies in Favor of Historic Funding for Great Salt Lake

Audubon Testifies in Favor of Historic Funding for Great Salt Lake

— UPDATE: Utah legislature unanimously passes bill.
Audubon and Other Groups Urge Bureau of Land Management to Act Quickly to Conserve Sage-Grouse

Audubon and Other Groups Urge Bureau of Land Management to Act Quickly to Conserve Sage-Grouse

— Decades of Greater sage-grouse population declines and sagebrush habitat loss makes this review of federal land management plans imperative.
Race against Climate Change and Water Stress in Colorado

Race against Climate Change and Water Stress in Colorado

— Water Priorities for 2022 Legislative Session.
Utah 2022 Legislative Session Kicks Off Today—and It Should Be a Big Year for Water Policy

Utah 2022 Legislative Session Kicks Off Today—and It Should Be a Big Year for Water Policy

— First Great Salt Lake Summit brings momentum for 2022 legislative session.
Efforts to Help Greater Sage-Grouse to be Restored by Biden Administration

Efforts to Help Greater Sage-Grouse to be Restored by Biden Administration

— The Bureau of Land Management will respond to recent court decisions with new effort to reinstate plans to help struggling sage grouse populations.
U.S. Senators Re-Introduce Science-based Program for Unique Saline (Salt) Lake Ecosystems

U.S. Senators Re-Introduce Science-based Program for Unique Saline (Salt) Lake Ecosystems

— Audubon science makes case for federally coordinated assessment of interconnected ecosystems essential in the arid West, supporting people and birds.