Press Room

Press releases about updates, threats, and wins related to Audubon's conservation work in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. For media inquiries, please contact

For stories and explainers on birds and conservation, please visit our blog.

Governor Cox Declares 2021 as Year of the Shorebird at Great Salt Lake
Gillmor Sanctuary

Governor Cox Declares 2021 as Year of the Shorebird at Great Salt Lake

Declaration celebrates 30th anniversary of Great Salt Lake as a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Site

Efforts to Help Greater Sage-Grouse to be Restored by Biden Administration
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Efforts to Help Greater Sage-Grouse to be Restored by Biden Administration

The Bureau of Land Management will respond to recent court decisions with new effort to reinstate plans to help struggling sage grouse populations.

May Ranch Receives Colorado Leopold Conservation Award
Conservation Ranching Initiative

May Ranch Receives Colorado Leopold Conservation Award

Audubon-certified ranch recognized for inspiring conservation practices.

New Program Launches to Save Migrating Birds in Colorado
Lights Out

New Program Launches to Save Migrating Birds in Colorado

Lights Out Colorado aims to help Coloradans save millions of birds.

Biden’s 30 x 30 Plan: A Roadmap to Restore the Sagebrush Steppe
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Biden’s 30 x 30 Plan: A Roadmap to Restore the Sagebrush Steppe

Western conservation groups applaud Biden administration’s plan to conserve and restore 30 percent of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030.

Land Donation Secures a Future for Wildlife at Audubon’s Gillmor Sanctuary
Gillmor Sanctuary

Land Donation Secures a Future for Wildlife at Audubon’s Gillmor Sanctuary

Audubon receives a 413-acre donation critical to shorebird habitat from Epperson Associates, LLC.

Audubon: “Illegal directors make illegal decisions.”
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Audubon: “Illegal directors make illegal decisions.”

Federal court invalidates decisions made by illegally installed BLM Director Pendley.

Illegal Plans and Decisions Made by William Perry Pendley Must Be Retracted
Working Lands

Illegal Plans and Decisions Made by William Perry Pendley Must Be Retracted

Coalition of conservation organizations delivers letter to Secretary Bernhardt calling for immediate review.

New Legislation Would Protect Public Input and Hold Oil and Gas Drillers Accountable
Working Lands

New Legislation Would Protect Public Input and Hold Oil and Gas Drillers Accountable

Two bills introduced by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) increase accountability for oil and gas companies that walk away from their wells and ensure public oversight.

Converse County Oil and Gas Project Poses Serious Threats to Raptors, Sage-Grouse
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Converse County Oil and Gas Project Poses Serious Threats to Raptors, Sage-Grouse

Conservation groups protest plan to build 5,000 new wells in critical wildlife habitat.

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