Greater Sage-Grouse
Latin: Centrocercus urophasianus
Working together to create a healthy and balanced future for the West’s largest ecosystem
Greater Sage-Grouse. Photo: Evan Barrientos/Audubon Rockies
More than 350 species depend on the sagebrush ecosystem, as well as people. Reaching 14 states, sagebrush country is vital bird habitat, but only half of it is left and new demands continue to be placed on it. Audubon’s Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative brings together citizens, industry, government, and NGOs to find pragmatic solutions that balance the needs of people and birds. Join us in conserving this American treasure.
Op-eds from across the West about the Bureau of Land Management's land use plans.
Learn why the sagebrush needs you and how you can help.
How cheatgrass and other invasives are threatening the very existence of the sagebrush steppe ecosystem.