Wyoming PBS dives into the world of bird watching enthusiasts to explore a healthy hobby that can bring peace to the soul.
Western conservation groups applaud Biden administration’s plan to conserve and restore 30 percent of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030.
The president also set a goal of conserving 30 percent of the country’s land and water by 2030 and took steps to boost the clean-energy economy.
(From Earthjustice) Saving the greater sage-grouse was one of the largest conservation efforts in U.S. history. When the Trump administration tried to sacrifice it to oil and gas, the bird’s champions flew to its rescue.
The decisions we make around water impact everyone—birds, people, and the environment.
Research on Habitat Heroes shows that wildscaping is an evolving journey for gardens, communities, and the gardeners themselves.
(Published in the Pagosa SUN) While socially distanced, Pagosa Springs observers found more birds than last year.
Purple Martins exposed to bright nighttime light migrated eight days early—which could lead to starvation at their breeding grounds.