Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Working together to create a healthy and balanced future for the West’s largest ecosystem

Greater Sage-Grouse. Photo: Evan Barrientos/Audubon Rockies

More than 350 species depend on the sagebrush ecosystem, as well as people. Reaching 14 states, sagebrush country is vital bird habitat, but only half of it is left and new demands continue to be placed on it. Audubon’s Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative brings together citizens, industry, government, and NGOs to find pragmatic solutions that balance the needs of people and birds. Join us in conserving this American treasure.

Opinions on Sage-Grouse
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Opinions on Sage-Grouse

Op-eds from across the West about the Bureau of Land Management's land use plans.

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Sagebrush Resources
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Sagebrush Resources

Learn why the sagebrush needs you and how you can help.

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Cheatgrass, Fire, and Sagebrush
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Cheatgrass, Fire, and Sagebrush

How cheatgrass and other invasives are threatening the very existence of the sagebrush steppe ecosystem.

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Birds of the Sagebrush Steppe

News and Stories

An Unexpected Paradise
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

An Unexpected Paradise

A Bahamian’s first impressions of Wyoming’s sagebrush ecosystem.

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Are on the Brink
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Are on the Brink

The Bureau of Land Management steps up to try and save them. Will it work?

Infrastructure Funding Could Bring Hope to North America’s Largest Ecosystem
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Infrastructure Funding Could Bring Hope to North America’s Largest Ecosystem

An update on efforts to build a better future for the Greater Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush Country.

Audubon and Other Groups Urge Bureau of Land Management to Act Quickly to Conserve Sage-Grouse
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Audubon and Other Groups Urge Bureau of Land Management to Act Quickly to Conserve Sage-Grouse

Decades of Greater sage-grouse population declines and sagebrush habitat loss makes this review of federal land management plans imperative.

Federal Conservation Plans for Greater Sage-Grouse Go Under Review
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Federal Conservation Plans for Greater Sage-Grouse Go Under Review

The Bureau of Land Management has opened a process to review multi-state conservation plans.

BLM Pulls 264 Parcels From Oil and Gas Lease Sale Over Grouse Concerns
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

BLM Pulls 264 Parcels From Oil and Gas Lease Sale Over Grouse Concerns

WyoFile: Feds resume oil and gas leasing review, and will add climate impact analysis.

Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden

Legal and political realities seem to have tempered the administration’s ambitions for ending fossil fuel extraction on federal lands.

Congress Is Set to Remove a Longstanding Barrier to Listing Greater Sage-Grouse Under the Endangered Species Act
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Congress Is Set to Remove a Longstanding Barrier to Listing Greater Sage-Grouse Under the Endangered Species Act

For years, an obscure budget provision has blocked the federal government from protecting the fast-declining birds. That may be about to change.

Cutting Trees Gives Sage-Grouse Populations a Boost, Scientists Find
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Cutting Trees Gives Sage-Grouse Populations a Boost, Scientists Find

A new study in Oregon shows that removing conifers has helped the imperiled bird’s local numbers grow more quickly.

Efforts to Help Greater Sage-Grouse to be Restored by Biden Administration
Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative

Efforts to Help Greater Sage-Grouse to be Restored by Biden Administration

The Bureau of Land Management will respond to recent court decisions with new effort to reinstate plans to help struggling sage grouse populations.

Learn about birds and get involved.