
Help us protect birds and the places they need!

Volunteer educator and students at Four Mile Ranch. Photo: Kelle Bruno

Gain experience, make friends, and make a difference; volunteering is one of the most meaningful ways to help birds! Take a look at our existing volunteer opportunities below. If you don't see what you're looking for, send us an email at audubonrockies@audubon.org. 

You can also check all our current volunteer events or sign up for emails to get updates when we add new opportunities.

Colorado Volunteer Educators

Colorado Volunteer Educators

Share your love of nature with the next generation of conservationists in Pagosa Springs.

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Wyoming Naturalist Program
Community Naturalist

Wyoming Naturalist Program

Learn about Wyoming nature from experts and join a community of volunteer conservationists.

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Community Science

Community Science

Turn your passion for birding into science.

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Get Involved at Gillmor Sanctuary
Gillmor Sanctuary

Get Involved at Gillmor Sanctuary

Discover events, volunteer programs, and other opportunities to help birds at Gillmor Sanctuary and Great Salt Lake.

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News and Stories

Volunteering Beyond the Stream
Western Rivers Initiative

Volunteering Beyond the Stream

Build connections and support healthy watersheds with these stream restoration opportunities in Colorado.

Measuring Light Pollution at Great Salt Lake
Gillmor Sanctuary

Measuring Light Pollution at Great Salt Lake

From an undergraduate’s capstone project, a new volunteer opportunity is emerging.

Six Budget-friendly Ways to Protect Birds
Help Birds

Six Budget-friendly Ways to Protect Birds

Protecting birds and the places they need doesn't need to break the bank.

Meet Moe: Nature Journaler
Community Naturalist

Meet Moe: Nature Journaler

Moe helps others enjoy nature by slowing down and noticing the details.

Feeling Stressed? Birds Can Help With That
Community Naturalist

Feeling Stressed? Birds Can Help With That

Weminuche Audubon Society members in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, discuss wildfire research and how it helped them destress this summer.

Nature Connects Us
Community Naturalist

Nature Connects Us

Wyoming Naturalist and Audubon Rockies member Casey Black shares how nature connected her to wildlife, people, and her home.

Camaraderie and Counting for Science
Christmas Bird Count

Camaraderie and Counting for Science

Roaring Fork Audubon's 47th Christmas Bird Count highlights the community in community science.

No, You’re Not Too Inexperienced to Join the Christmas Bird Count
Christmas Bird Count

No, You’re Not Too Inexperienced to Join the Christmas Bird Count

A beginner birder’s perspective and tips on attending your first Christmas Bird Count.

Meet Sage, Pagosa Springs’ Emerging Bird Mentor
Community Naturalist

Meet Sage, Pagosa Springs’ Emerging Bird Mentor

Learn how her father, grandparents, and the Christmas Bird Count sparked a family tradition and a passion for birds.

Thank You, Volunteer Educators!
Community Naturalist In Colorado

Thank You, Volunteer Educators!

Our volunteer environmental educators helped inspire hundreds of students in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, this fall.